Who We Are
Lake Trails is made up of people in all walks of life. We are Epic employees, musicians, kids, small business owners, parents, public sector workers, and everything in between. We vary in age and stage of life but our hope together is that our public worship, our life together, and the ways we serve would be an inviting witness of Jesus for our city and for the world.
What We Ask of Our Congregation
We recognize that we live in a world that can feel burdensome and hectic. So you won’t find a lot of elaborate programs here. Instead we ask that people do three things as a part of our congregation:
- Make Sunday worship a priority.
- Participate in one smaller gathering of our church, ideally one of our Community Groups.
- Look for purposeful ways to enact love for their neighbors.
That’s it! We believe that as we do these things, the message of Jesus will take root in us and be evident to those around us.
What We Believe
At Lake Trails we believe that the Bible tells the truth about who God is, who we are, and how we are to relate to God and the world he made. We join with other Christians from around the world and across the ages in affirming the Scriptural truths summarized in the Ecumenical Creeds (the Apostle’s Creed, the Nicene Creed, the Chalcedonian Creed).
We also affirm the Westminster Standards as a faithful summary of what the Bible teaches.
Our congregation is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church in America whose churches desire to be “Faithful to the Scriptures, True to the Reformed Faith, and Obedient to the Great Commission of Jesus Christ”. More information about our denomination can be found at www.pcanet.org.
Our Elders
We are led by a group of elders nominated by and from our congregation. This group of elders, called the Session, are responsible for the spiritual oversight of our congregation. Our current Ruling Elders are Gary Oetzel, Joshua Land, Stephen Block, and Tucker Meyers.
Our Pastor
Our Pastor is Rich Verano.